From Film Director Claudia Sparrow, I Remember You explores a powerful connection that occurs between two people: LOVE. Leah; a research scientist and Samuel; an inspiring actor enter into each other's lives when Leah finds Samuel drowning in the ocean and manages to save his life. After the accident, their worlds are forever changed as they begin to unravel an overwhelming sense that they have met before...
Actress Stefanie butler
Stefanie Butler (Stranger Things) plays LEAH EVANS, a Ph.D. student in Immunology who has devoted her life to science and she is determined to finding new cures and treatments for cancer. After the accident, Leah develops very strong feelings for Samuel after saving his life. At the same time, she develops a fear of water that puts her career at stake.
actor joe egender
Joe Egender (The Night Of) plays SAMUEL DAVIS, a talented up-and-coming actor who struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder after a near death accident. As a result, Samuel is forced to put his career on hold as he experiences an overwhelming sense of familiarity with Leah. Soon he becomes convinced that he and Leah have met before.